Auto InsuranceDriver GuidesThe True Cost Of Owning a Car in MalaysiaZafrullah LaminaJune 28, 20241.77KOwnership of a car involves more than just monthly payments. You will also need to consider other factors such more
Auto InsuranceHow Long Does It Take To Process An Insurance Claim For a Stolen Car?Zafrullah LaminaJuly 17, 20232.61KYour car got stolen in Malaysia, and now, "Oh my god, more paperwork and bureaucracy - it's going to more
Auto InsuranceTop Auto Insurance Companies In MalaysiaZafrullah LaminaSeptember 16, 202213.4KInsurers that offer the cheapest rates aren't necessarily the best. Insurance is a tricky business, and it's tempting to more
Auto InsuranceCara Untuk Pindahkan NCD Kepada “Insurer” Atau Kenderaan BaharuShabieJune 7, 20224.45KAda tak di antara anda semua yang ingin menukar syarikat insurans kerana ingin mencuba polisi dari syarikat lain yang more
Auto InsuranceInsurance TermsMaksud KFK (Knock For Knock) Dalam Terma InsuransShabieMay 5, 202211.7KPernahkah anda mendengar tentang perjanjian ‘Knock for Knock’ dalam insurans auto? Atau pernahkah sesiapa bertanya kepada anda mengenai tuntutan more
Auto InsuranceDriver GuidesIs It Possible To Claim If A Negligent Act Caused The AccidentAneeca YounasApril 27, 20221.5KYou were involved in a car accident, and now is the time to assess the damage and file a more
Auto InsuranceKesilapan Semasa Membeli Insurans KeretaShabieApril 1, 20221.32KMemilih pelan insurans kereta adalah sangat penting seperti memilih untuk membeli kereta itu sendiri. Anda perlu memilih perlindungan yang more
Video Series保险360汽车保险也有折扣?MaggieFebruary 22, 20222.73K欢迎收看保险360, 我是 Cassandra。很多车主买了汽车后, 每个月除了缴付汽车的分期付款、添油、定期保养车子等,还要每年都支付一笔费用来更新车险和道路税。所以今天我们就为大家分享一些车险的的折扣,这样大家就能向你的保险公司询问,来获取一些折扣,以更便宜的价格,获得同样的保险覆盖范围! 第一、NCD折扣 什么是NCD折扣呢?NCD 是Non Claim Discount的缩写。顾名思义就是无理赔折扣,也就是说,在过去被保的一年内,如果你没有任何理赔记录,你就能获得此项折扣。而且,此折扣是逐年增加的。在没有理赔的6年或以上,你的NCD 折扣就可高达55%了;但是如果你申请理赔,你的NCD折扣率将会归0%。 NCD 折扣率是Persatuan Insurance Am Malaysia 也就是马来西保险协会所制定的。 第二、购买多种保险折扣 (Multi Policy Discount) more
Insurance360Video SeriesWhat Are Some Auto Insurance Discounts?Zafrullah LaminaDecember 14, 20211.71KIt's that time of the year again, and you're getting ready to renew your auto insurance policy. Every ringgit more
Auto InsuranceInsurance TermsOwn Damage Claim (ODC) In Car InsuranceAneeca YounasNovember 25, 20214.4KFinding the best way to repair the damages is a part of the aftermath occurring after a car accident. more