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Top 10 Costly Traffic Offenses In Malaysia

Top 10 Costly Traffic Offenses In Malaysia Blog

It is pretty familiar and equally frustrating in Malaysia to experience traffic accidents caused by poorly maintained roads and reckless driving. Therefore, the police and JPJ use roadblocks and summons to minimize traffic violations and create a safer environment. We will examine ten of the most expensive traffic offenses in Malaysia:

Driving And Parking In The Emergency Lane

We often see people using the emergency lane for their benefit on the highway, especially during traffic congestion or holidays. It is, however, illegal to use emergency lanes on streets for any other purpose other than for emergencies. For example, police officers often drive ambulances to specific emergencies involving life-threatening situations. There is either a do not enter sign or a one-way street. It would help if you recognized the road signs and did not enter the lane when you saw them. A fine of up to RM300 if caught. Not to mention that you will cause a traffic jam simultaneously.

Summon Amount: RM300

Over Speeding

Another common traffic offense is overspeeding. However, most people seem unaware of the highway and road speed limits displayed on road signs. Even if they are aware, they tend to ignore them. Their selfishness has led to many lives in fatal accidents because of their negligence.

Summon Amount: RM300

Ignoring Traffic Lights

In Malaysia, this is one of the most frequent traffic offenses and one of the most expensive. In Malaysia, drivers tend to speed and run red lights, which is extremely dangerous since even a split-second mistake can cause severe injury to both drivers and pedestrians. Go means green, slow down (don’t speed up) means yellow, and stop means red.

Summon Amount: RM300

Driving In A One-Way Lane

There is either a do not enter sign or a one-way street. It would help if you recognized the road signs and did not enter the lane when you saw them. A fine of up to RM300 if caught. Not to mention that you will cause a traffic jam at the same time.

Summon Amount: RM300

Not Displaying Your License Plate

A fine of RM300 if a car plate is missing on the front and rear of your vehicle.

Summon Amount: RM300

Driving Without a Seatbelt

Even though this act does not harm anyone on the road, the authorities consider it a serious offense since it puts you and your passengers at risk by failing to follow basic safety guidelines. No matter who is driving or riding in the car, you must make sure that everyone in the vehicle wears a seatbelt to minimize the risk of getting injured in an accident. Never assume you won’t need one someday.

Summon Amount: RM300

Driving While Using a Mobile Phone

Perhaps you’ll be surprised to learn that drinking and driving isn’t the most dangerous traffic offense. Nowadays, we often text while driving. The fine will still apply if you are caught holding your phone, even in hands-free mode!

Summon Amount: RM300

Drink And Drive

It is something you shouldn’t do at all. But many of us do it anyway (especially during weekends). The offense is one of the most common in the country. The penalty for driving while drunk in Malaysia is fined RM300. If you are caught driving under the influence, you will be jailed for one night. Drive safely. Take Uber or carpool with that non-drinker friend.

Summon Amount: RM300

Driving While Asleep Or Inattentive

A significant cause of fatal accidents is sleepiness or inattention on the part of drivers. Pullover at the nearest rest area or gas station if you had a long day after work or feel tired after a long drive.

Summon Amount: RM300

Overcrowding In a Vehicle

If you exceed your vehicle’s capacity limit, you can be fined. Most people don’t know about this exciting traffic offense. When carpooling or traveling together, be careful not to overload the vehicle with too many items or people. It can block the rearview mirror, resulting in accidents and fines from the police.

Summon Amount: RM300

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