FinanceLoanLoan Repayment Moratorium Effect On Your Credit ScoreMatthew OkunadeJanuary 5, 20231.28KIn March 2020, after carefully analyzing the pandemic’s effect on the nation’s economy, the Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) decided more
Finance3 Biggest Credit Score Pitfalls And How to Avoid ThemMatthew OkunadeNovember 15, 20222.95KThe most significant indication of your financial health is your credit score at any given point. Suppose you need more
Loan6 Things To Know Before Getting a Personal LoanZafrullah LaminaOctober 23, 20221.51KWhen taking out your first personal loan, you must know specific information so that potential lenders can verify it more
FinanceFour Advantages For Having a Good Credit ScoreMatthew OkunadeOctober 19, 20222.94KIt can often be surprised when you hear talk of people building their credit scores. If you’re not very more
LoanWhat You Need To Know About Long Term Personal LoansZafrullah LaminaAugust 27, 20221.38KThere are so many loans available that it is hard to know which one is right for you. You more
Loan4 Major Reasons You Need To Check Your Credit Score RegularlyMatthew OkunadeAugust 18, 20222.02KIf you aren't particularly finance-savvy, you likely don't look into the various aspects of your money affairs unless you more
LoanHow Personal Loan Affect Your Credit ScoreZafrullah LaminaAugust 4, 20226.36KGetting a personal loan might be a good idea if you need cash for an emergency or large purchase more
LoanLearn How To Get Loan With a Bad Credit ScoreZafrullah LaminaJune 15, 20221.5KIt is possible to obtain a loan with bad credit if you work with a lender who does not more
Loan5 Things To Do Before You Apply For a LoanMatthew OkunadeJune 5, 20222.4KSince the pandemic rolled in, the global market hasn’t been what it used to be. With people left facing more
Video Series保险3603步教你如何降低车险费用?MaggieApril 24, 20212.65K欢迎收看保险360, 我是 Cassandra。即将购买车或是已经拥有车的车主都知道,为汽车投保是一件必做的事。 只要拥有车,保险费就是每年必须付的一笔费用。许多人认为, 除了更改保险的种类或是更换保险公司之外,便没有任何办法降低保险费,这是大部人的刻板影响。事实上,汽车保险并非有固定的保险费,你可以通过以下这些小贴士来降低你的保险费。 第一,不同的车;保险费都不一样 如果你正在考虑购买汽车,不论是新车或是二手车,保险费的价格都不相同。 新车的保险费也会因为品牌和款式而有所不同。比如说,一辆SUV的保险费可能会比小型轿车高出很多倍;又或者一些保险公司会给予混合动力车,Hybrid car 的车主一些折扣以响应保护环境的概念。因此,在购买车前,你可以先询问各家保险公司,不同类型汽车的保险配套。 第二,维持良好的信用记录 所谓的信用记录就是我们常说的credit score。你是不是很讶异为什么credit score 会作为保险公司衡量保险费的其中一种方法呢? Michael Barry 是美国保险研究院的副总经理,他曾经说过,虽然利用信用记录来决定保险费是具有争议性的课题,但是大部分的保险公司会以研究报告显示,信用记录良好的人,一般对自己的生活负责,那就不太可能索赔。Michael Barry,这话寓意着如果你对生活负责,便会在公路上行驶时,时刻注意安全,事故发生率也会比较低,而因索赔的机率也比较低。 加上,信用记录良好的人,一般都是准时还款且还款能利好,保险公司也不太需要担心的他们付款能力。 more