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Essential Steps When Filing A Car Insurance Claim

Essential Steps When Filing A Car Insurance Claim Blog

Statistically speaking, even the most careful drivers will get involved in an auto accident at least once in their driving history. Do you know what to do in the event the worst happens? What mistakes should you avoid in the process of filing your auto insurance claim? Keep watching to find out these details and much more!

Hi! I’m Stella, Fincrew brand ambassador, and in this video, I’ll be showing you how to successfully navigate the process of filing an insurance claim for your automobile! Do you want to be auto insurance-savvy? Then you can’t afford to miss a single post in our Insurance360 Video Series! Simply click that Subscribe button and activate notification settings so you can view all our previous releases and access future videos as soon as they are dropped! Now we get that sorted, let’s begin.

In the country today, you can claim either of two types of insurance. You could file an Own Damage Claim or a Third Party Claim, depending on the nature of the accident. Here is a brief description of how you can file either claim!

Own Damage Claim

It’s important to mention that you can’t file this claim on just any auto insurance coverage. You need to have a comprehensive vehicle insurance policy in place if the accident didn’t come about as a result of something you did. However, you might end up losing your No claim Discount (NCD) privileges as a result. Here’s how this process works. First, you need to:

Get In Touch With Your Insurer

The sooner you are able to do this, the better. This is because they are responsible for telling you the next steps you are to take, including which repair workshop you are to take your vehicle to for fixing. The faster you do this, the sooner your vehicle can get back on the road.

File a Police Report

This step is so important and time-sensitive, you get fined if you don’t do it when demanded! Be sure you contact the police within 24 hours of the accident occurring at the latest.

Document The Accident

Take photographic evidence of all the vehicles involved in the accident, collect license information, license plate details, and all other relevant information.

Prepare Relevant Documents

At the designated workshop, you’d be required to tender certain documents. Some of which include original copies of your police report and investigations report, a claims form from your insurer, bill of repair work, your NRIC, and that of the third party. You’ll also be required to tender these same documents to your insurer and other necessary entities.


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Third Party Claims

After you must have filed a police report within the 24-hour time frame, you must also:

Prepare Necessary Documents For Third Party Claims

These basically include photographs of your damaged vehicle, license plates, and car number plates, among other things.

Move Your Vehicle To The Third Party Insurance Workshop

This step is also very time-sensitive. Be sure to move your vehicle to the designated third party repair workshop immediately after the accident, as soon as you can.

Have A Licensed Adjuster Evaluate The Loss

You also need to bring a licensed adjuster on board to help you assess the cost of repairs and Compensation for Assessed Repair Time or CART.

Tender All Relevant Documents

These files include items such as the original copies of your police report and investigation reports, a claims form from your insurer, bill of repair work, your NRIC and that of the third party, and the Keputusan report given to you by the police.

With these, you can file special and general damages claims to cover all expenses resulting from the accident. If you’d like to see more helpful videos like this, remember to Like this video and then Subscribe and enable notifications, so you see our future episodes promptly! Thanks for watching!

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